Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Practice Everyday!!!

friends pls.............
check this video...This was actually shown to me by uma miss(arl of our campus, amrita). I was inspired by this video.. I showed this to all my friends... They all are inspireso pls dont neglect it.. If you are sad, or if you are worried,when loose your will power, when you loss your concentration,when you loss all the hope.. this will make you energetic....
please watch it... really inspiring....

Happpy holidays!!!!!

I dont know its a happy thing or not... As I was sitting in the lab it was announced that the college will be closed for two weeks due to precautions aganist swine flu..(It was later annouced by meda that it was swine flu and 4 got affected)If its so its unhappy for them for me also....lets prayfor them....
The second part about happness is i can go to home earlier for onam and so am happy....my mom too...my non keralte friends and friends from north kerala has got an oppourtuity to go home... even they never went to home for more than one and half months...
One ting the onam celebrations was cancelled due to the holidays(i mean precaution)..so all the joy lost...the pookalm competition ,malayali manka etc......
We were planning to ne project and we started to learn php but on the same day the ollege closed, so am afraid that the time limit will be closed or not...any way am now at home....
I think i'll get time to be active in groups and blogs....and enjoy with my family.....
take care......